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Now showing items 87-106 of 412

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    • Bilingual English-isiXhosa corpus 

      McKellar, Cindy (North-West University - Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2019-11-30) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Aligned parallel corpora for the following language pair: English-isiXhosa. The data is given as two separate UTF-8 text files, with each segment on a ...
    • Bilingual English-Siswati Corpus 

      McKellar, Cindy (North-West University - Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2022-03-31)
      Aligned parallel corpora for the following language pair: English-SiSwati. The data is given as four separate UTF-8 text files, with each segment on a ...
    • Boomerang v1.0 

      Unknown author (, 2013-07-01) ~ Resource Index
      Performs outbound call campaigns and executes Javascript-scripted IVR callflows especially for marketing companies companies with extensive client ...
    • Bukantswe Sesotho-English Bilingual Dictionary 

      J. A. K. Olivier (North-West University, 2016-07-07) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Bilingual English-Sesotho dictionary. This dataset represents a basic Sesotho dictionary compiled in the creation of a Sesotho language resource. The ...
    • Calomo 

      Menno van Zaanen (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2015-01-30) ~ Resource Index
      Calomo is a hyphenator for Afrikaans, which can be implemented in any NLP system. It takes as input a string, and produces as output an analysed string, ...
    • CGE's Sesotho Gender Terminology List 

      Commission for Gender Equality (CGE), et al. (Commission for Gender Equality (CGE), 2018)
      CGE's Sesotho Gender Terminology List is a list of terms, either words or phrases, related to the promotion of gender equality. All 446 words or phrases ...
    • CKarma 

      Unknown author (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2015-01-30) ~ Resource Index
      CKarma is a compound analyser for Afrikaans, to be used for the detection of word boundaries within compounds. It takes as input a string, and produces ...
    • Combination Tagger 

      Unknown author (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2015-01-30) ~ Resource Index
      The combination tagger framework uses MBT, SVM, MXPOST and TnT. Each tagger receives a weight by which it can vote for a tag.
    • CompanyCall v1.0 

      Unknown author (, 2013-07-01) ~ Resource Index
      Routes calls based on spoken company name, south african names, ses ASR name re ??, which domain) directory assistance,
    • CorpusCatcher 

      Unknown author (, 2015-01-28) ~ Resource Index
      Corpus Catcher is a tool that is designed to crawl the web to retrieve data for inclusion in a corpus. It makes use of seed documents/wordlists to ...
    • CTexT Afrikaanse Grammatikatoetser 1.0 

      Unknown author (Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-07-01) ~ Resource Index
      The CTexT Afrikaanse Grammatikatoetser is the first Afrikaans grammar checker for Microsoft Office, and can identify a number of grammatical and style errors.
    • CTexT Afrikaanse Tesourus 1.0 

      Unknown author (Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-07-01) ~ Resource Index
      The CTexT Afrikaanse Thesaurus is based on the Groot Afrikaans Tesourus of De Stadler.
    • CTexT Alignment Interface 

      Ismail Lavangee (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-06-21) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Utility application for the manual alignment of source texts.
    • CTexT Alignment Interface Pro 

      Ismail Lavangee (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-06-21) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Utility application for the manual alignment of source texts. Pro version allows for the editing of the segments.
    • CTexT Multilingual Text Corpora 

      Unknown author (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2015-02-03) ~ Resource Index
      Document level aligned corpora for machine translation purposes.
    • CTexTools 

      Martin Puttkammer, et al. (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2014-05-30) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Corpus query and manipulation tool for performing tokenisation and sentencisation; extracting frequency list and word list; searching; and extracting ...
    • CTexTools 2 

      Eiselen, Roald, et al. (North-West University, Centre for Text Technology (CTexT); South African Department of Arts and Culture, 2018-05-24) ~ Resource Catalogue
      CTexTools is a corpus query and manipulation tool primarily for the official South African languages. The tool supports the creation of frequency and ...
    • Dagsê 1.1; Ngenani 3.1; Sondelani1.1; Tsenang3.1 

      Unknown author (Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-07-01) ~ Resource Index
      An individual's endeavour to speak to someone in their mother tongue cultivates respect. This in turn may lead to better understanding between culture ...
    • Denominal adjectives in Afrikaans dataset 

      Trollip, Benito (South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, 2020-05-15) ~ Resource Catalogue
      This dataset contain a collection of Afrikaans denominal adjectives that were extracted from the Virtual Institute for Afrikaans' corpus portal. The ...
    • Description of N|uu 

      Sands, Bonny, et al. (Bonny Sands, 2015-10-06)
      Recordings of dictionary entries for a pan-dialectal dictionary of the N|uu language (Eastern and Western dialects) made by Bonny Sands, Johanna Brugman, ...