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Autshumato English-Setswana Parallel Corpora
Aligned English-Setswana parallel corpus. This set contains data that was translated by professional translators, data that was sourced as translated file pairs from translators and data obtained from Government websites and documents. The data is given as six separate UTF-8 text files; with each aligned sentence pair on a new line.
Sunny Gent
North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT)
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 South Africa License:
English; Setswana
Cindy McKellar
Roald Eiselen; Wikus Pienaar
Multilingual text corpora: Aligned
9.02 Mb (zipped)
159 000 bilingual segments 2 037 173 English words (excluding punctuation and numbers). 2 596 023 Setswana words (excluding punctuation and numbers).
Text; UTF8
Based on documents from the South African government domain crawled from websites and collected from various language units.
Details provided in documentation.
Multilingual Text Corpora: Aligned
Resource Catalogue
Resource Index
eng; tsn
2018-02-05T20:22:42Z; 2018-03-05T17:49:36Z
2018-02-05T20:22:42Z; 2018-03-05T17:49:36Z

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Resource Catalogue [349]
    A collection of language resources available for download from the RMA of SADiLaR. The collection mostly consists of resources developed with funding from the Department of Arts and Culture.
  • Resource Index [412]
    A collection of language resource metadata mostly collected during the NHN funded technology audit of 2009, as well as the SADiLaR technology audit of 2018. Not all resources in this collection are available for download.

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