Title | KALAS |
Description | KALAS is a rule-based compound analyser for Afrikaans, to be used for the detection of word boundaries within compounds. It takes as input a string, and produces as output an analysed string, without any tags. For example, the string "hondehokdak" ('dog house roof') will be analysed as "hond _ e + hok + dak", where the plus sign indicates the beginning of an independent constituent, and the underscore the beginning of a dependent constituent (i.e. a valence morpheme). The algorithm is based on a basic longest-string matching algorithm, with certain restrictions build into it. It has been implemented in both C and Perl. |
Contact name | Martin Puttkammer |
Contact email | Martin.Puttkammer@nwu.ac.za |
Publisher(s) | North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT) |
Language(s) | Afrikaans |
URI | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12185/148 |
Media type | Text |
Type | Modules |
Media category | Compound Analyser |
Version | N/A |
Primary collection | Resource Index |
ISO639 code | afr |
Submit date | 2018-02-05T07:33:08Z; 2018-03-05T14:58:07Z |
Date available | 2018-02-05T07:33:08Z; 2018-03-05T14:58:07Z |
Date created | 2015-01-30 |