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Now showing items 443-462 of 531
Qfrency TTS Afrikaans Kobus recordings
(CSIR, 2018-03-07) ~Resource Index Studio quality recordings of text-to-speech data in Afrikaans and some English utterances. Professional Afrikaans first language voice artist. -
Qfrency TTS Afrikaans Maryna recordings
(CSIR, 2018-03-07) ~Resource Index Studio quality recordings of text-to-speech data in Afrikaans and some English utterances. Professional Afrikaans first language voice artist. -
Qfrency TTS phone mappings
(CSIR, 2018-03-02) ~Resource Index TTS phone mappings between IPA, XSAMPA and our Qfrency internal format, standardised across all 11 SA languages. To be used in conjunction with the Lwazi ... -
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2015-01-30) ~Resource Index Ragel was developed by using traditional methods for stemming/lemmatisation (i.e. affix stripping), and consists of language-specific rules for identifying ... -
Read Afrikaans Normal/ Read Afrikaans Fast
(Centre for Text Technology, North-West University, 2019-05-28) ~Resource Catalogue The corpus contains speech of 127 mother tongue speakers of Afrikaans. Every speaker was asked to read a text fragment from a book or a newspaper (about ... -
Representations of epistemological certainty and ontological ambiguity in selected earlier works by Joseph Conrad
(North-West University, 2019-02-18) ~Resource Catalogue Representations of epistemological certainty and ontological ambiguity in selected earlier works by Joseph Conrad -
(CSIR, 2018-03-02) ~Resource Index Rhonda is a speech to speech translation system that connects individual HLTs together in a secure and accessible way. A user may access individual HLTs ... -
RSG corpus
(Stellenbosch University; CSIR, 2018-02-28) ~Resource Index The resource consists of radio news bulletins broadcast between 2001 and 2004. The collection contains around 330 bulletins, corresponding to approximately 27 ... -
SADE Municipality Hotline IVR Prompts
(North-West University; Molo Afrika Speech Technologies; IntSyst Labs CC, 2015-09-07) ~Resource Catalogue Audio and corresponding transcriptions for the SADE Municipality Hotline IVR prompts in English, Sesotho and isiZulu. The English SADE municipality ... -
SADE v.1.0 Platform
(North-West University; Molo Afrika Speech Technologies; IntSyst Labs CC, 2015-09-07) ~Resource Catalogue End-to-end directoy enquiries application (using Asterisk, UniMRPC and Kaldi). The municipality hotline example is implemented as an Asterisk Gateway ... -
SAE Newspaper Text Corpus
(Stellenbosch University, 2015-01-27) ~Resource Index Newspaper text in electronic format obtained from Avusa Media through a licensing agreement (renewed anually). -
SAE Pronunciation Dictionary
(Stellenbosch Universtity, 2015-01-27) ~Resource Index Pronunciation dictionary compiled from newspaper text and radio news transcriptions. Dictionary to be used for the development of a large vocabulary ... -
SAE Radio News Speech Corpus
(Stellenbosch University, 2015-01-27) ~Resource Index News bulletins purchased from the SABC. Data to be used for the development of a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system for South African ... -
Sepedi Custom Dictionary for Government Domain
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-02-22) ~Resource Catalogue Word list developed as a custom dictionary for use in the spelling checkers as part of the spelling checker project for the Department of Arts and ... -
Sepedi Grapheme-to-Phoneme Converter
(University of South Africa, 2015-01-28) ~Resource Index Converting morphemes of Sesotho sa Leboa to phonological representations. -
Sepedi Part of Speech Tagger
(Department of African Languages - University of Pretoria, 2015-01-28) ~Resource Index Sesotho sa Leboa part of speech statistical tagger compiled with stochastic tagger of Helmut Scmidt supported by noun and verb guessing modules, tokenizer, ... -
Sepedi Pronunciation Dictionary
(University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus), 2015-01-27) ~Resource Index A pronunciation dictionary for Sepedi ASR system was created from transcriptions of speech data collected. -
Sepedi Speech Corpora
(University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus), 2015-01-27) ~Resource Index A corpus of Sesotho sa Leboa telephone speech data collected from mother tongue speakers of the standard version of Sesotho sa Leboa for the purpose ... -
Sepedi Tokeniser
(University of South Africa, 2015-01-28) ~Resource Index Pre-processing for Sesotho sa Leboa morphology as a disjunctively written language. (morphemes are already separated) as pre-cursor for morphological ... -
Sesotho Custom Dictionary for Government Domain
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-02-22) ~Resource Catalogue Word list developed as a custom dictionary for use in the spelling checkers as part of the spelling checker project for the Department of Arts and ...