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Now showing items 333-352 of 412
RSG corpus
(Stellenbosch University; CSIR, 2018-02-28) ~Resource Index The resource consists of radio news bulletins broadcast between 2001 and 2004. The collection contains around 330 bulletins, corresponding to approximately 27 ... -
SADE Municipality Hotline IVR Prompts
(North-West University; Molo Afrika Speech Technologies; IntSyst Labs CC, 2015-09-07) ~Resource Catalogue Audio and corresponding transcriptions for the SADE Municipality Hotline IVR prompts in English, Sesotho and isiZulu. The English SADE municipality ... -
SADE v.1.0 Platform
(North-West University; Molo Afrika Speech Technologies; IntSyst Labs CC, 2015-09-07) ~Resource Catalogue End-to-end directoy enquiries application (using Asterisk, UniMRPC and Kaldi). The municipality hotline example is implemented as an Asterisk Gateway ... -
SAE Newspaper Text Corpus
(Stellenbosch University, 2015-01-27) ~Resource Index Newspaper text in electronic format obtained from Avusa Media through a licensing agreement (renewed anually). -
SAE Pronunciation Dictionary
(Stellenbosch Universtity, 2015-01-27) ~Resource Index Pronunciation dictionary compiled from newspaper text and radio news transcriptions. Dictionary to be used for the development of a large vocabulary ... -
SAE Radio News Speech Corpus
(Stellenbosch University, 2015-01-27) ~Resource Index News bulletins purchased from the SABC. Data to be used for the development of a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system for South African ... -
Sepedi Custom Dictionary for Government Domain
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-02-22) ~Resource Catalogue Word list developed as a custom dictionary for use in the spelling checkers as part of the spelling checker project for the Department of Arts and ... -
Sepedi Grapheme-to-Phoneme Converter
(University of South Africa, 2015-01-28) ~Resource Index Converting morphemes of Sesotho sa Leboa to phonological representations. -
Sepedi Part of Speech Tagger
(Department of African Languages - University of Pretoria, 2015-01-28) ~Resource Index Sesotho sa Leboa part of speech statistical tagger compiled with stochastic tagger of Helmut Scmidt supported by noun and verb guessing modules, tokenizer, ... -
Sepedi Pronunciation Dictionary
(University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus), 2015-01-27) ~Resource Index A pronunciation dictionary for Sepedi ASR system was created from transcriptions of speech data collected. -
Sepedi Speech Corpora
(University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus), 2015-01-27) ~Resource Index A corpus of Sesotho sa Leboa telephone speech data collected from mother tongue speakers of the standard version of Sesotho sa Leboa for the purpose ... -
Sepedi Tokeniser
(University of South Africa, 2015-01-28) ~Resource Index Pre-processing for Sesotho sa Leboa morphology as a disjunctively written language. (morphemes are already separated) as pre-cursor for morphological ... -
Sesotho Custom Dictionary for Government Domain
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-02-22) ~Resource Catalogue Word list developed as a custom dictionary for use in the spelling checkers as part of the spelling checker project for the Department of Arts and ... -
Sesotho function word speech data
(Centre for Text Technology, North-West University, 2019-05-28) ~Resource Catalogue The primary aim of this speech data set was to study the role of tone in the function word "ke" in the minimal pairs "ke motho" and in the function word ... -
Sesotho Genre Classification Corpus
(Trifonius, 2013-06-19) ~Resource Catalogue Contains training and testing data for Genre Classification for Sesotho. -
Sesotho multi-speaker TTS corpus
(MuST, NWU, 2018-02-28) ~Resource Index The aim of this corpus was to investigate the implementation of a high-quality TTS system using multiple voices recorded using a low-cost process (i.e. ... -
Sesotho sa Leboa Genre Classification Corpus
(Trifonius, 2013-06-19) ~Resource Catalogue Contains training and testing data for Genre Classification for Sesotho sa Leboa. -
Sesotho sa Leboa Spelling Checker 1.1
(Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-07-01) ~Resource Index Spelling checkers and hyphenators for South African languages compatible with Microsoft® Office 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or Microsoft® Office 2013. ... -
Sesotho Spelling Checker 1.0
(Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-07-01) ~Resource Index Spelling checkers and hyphenators for South African languages compatible with Microsoft® Office 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or Microsoft® Office 2013. ... -
Sesotho syllabification systems
(South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, 2022-02-03)This package contains two syllabification systems for Sesotho (rule-based and TeX-based).