Browsing Resource Index by Title
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Now showing items 273-292 of 412
NCHLT Setswana Phrase Chunk Annotated Corpus
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2016-04-29) ~Resource Catalogue Phrase chunk annotated data for the NCHLT Text Resource Development: Phase II Project. The phrase chunk annotated data is a subset of the 50,000 tokens ... -
NCHLT Setswana Speech Corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR; North-West University, 2014-07-08) ~Resource Catalogue Orthographically transcribed broadband speech corpus of approximately 56 hours, including a test suite of 8 speakers. -
NCHLT Setswana Text Corpora
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2014-05-30) ~Resource Catalogue Collection of source text documents, genre classified text documents, raw corpus, clean corpus, lexicon, frequency list and named-entity lists developed ... -
NCHLT Siswati Annotated Text Corpora
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2014-05-30) ~Resource Catalogue Lemmatised, part of speech tagged and morphologically analysed corpora developed during the NCHLT Text project. -
NCHLT Siswati Auxiliary Speech Corpus
(CSIR Meraka Institute; North-West University, 2019-06-01) ~Resource Catalogue The corpus contains orthographically transcribed broadband speech in each of South Africa's eleven official languages. Transcriptions are provided in ... -
NCHLT Siswati Lemmatiser
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2014-05-30) ~Resource Catalogue Lemmatiser developed during the NCHLT Text project. \n\n Available in the Readme.txt - Input format: Text data (encoding: UTF8 without BOM), one ... -
NCHLT Siswati Named Entity Annotated Corpus
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2016-04-29) ~Resource Catalogue Named entity annotated data from the NCHLT Text Resource Development: Phase II Project, annotated with PERSON, LOCATION, ORGANISATION and MISCELLANEOUS tags. -
NCHLT Siswati Phrase Chunk Annotated Corpus
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2016-04-29) ~Resource Catalogue Phrase chunk annotated data for the NCHLT Text Resource Development: Phase II Project. The phrase chunk annotated data is a subset of the 50,000 tokens ... -
NCHLT Siswati Speech Corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR; North-West University, 2014-07-08) ~Resource Catalogue Orthographically transcribed broadband speech corpus of approximately 56 hours, including a test suite of 8 speakers. -
NCHLT Siswati Text Corpora
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2014-05-30) ~Resource Catalogue Collection of source text documents, genre classified text documents, raw corpus, clean corpus, lexicon, frequency list and named-entity lists developed ... -
NCHLT South African Language Identifier
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2016-04-29) ~Resource Catalogue A graphical user interface and command line tool to automatically classify a document, paragraph, sentence or phrase as one of the eleven official South ... -
NCHLT Speech II Corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2016-05-09) ~Resource Catalogue The speech corpus generated from aligned audio samples from National Parliament using Hansard transcriptions are provided in terms of audio and ... -
NCHLT Tagger
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2016-04-29) ~Resource Catalogue A graphical user interface and command line tool to automatically annotate running text with one or more linguistic tags:\n* Part of Speech\n* Named ... -
NCHLT Text Web Services
(SADiLaR; North-West University, 2018-03-01) ~Resource Index A web service that provides access to seven core technologies in ten South African languages, including: * Tokenisers * Sentence separators * ... -
NCHLT Tshivenda Morphological Decomposer
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2014-05-30) ~Resource Catalogue Morphological decomposer developed during the NCHLT Text project. -
NCHLT Tshivenda Annotated Text Corpora
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2014-05-30) ~Resource Catalogue Lemmatised, part of speech tagged and morphologically analysed corpora developed during the NCHLT Text project. -
NCHLT Tshivenda Auxiliary Speech Corpus
(CSIR Meraka Institute; North-West University, 2019-06-01) ~Resource Catalogue The corpus contains orthographically transcribed broadband speech in each of South Africa's eleven official languages. Transcriptions are provided in ... -
NCHLT Tshivenda Lemmatiser
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2014-05-30) ~Resource Catalogue Lemmatiser developed during the NCHLT Text project. \n\n Available in the Readme.txt - Input format: Text data (encoding: UTF8 without BOM), one ... -
NCHLT Tshivenda Named Entity Annotated Corpus
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2016-04-29) ~Resource Catalogue Named entity annotated data from the NCHLT Text Resource Development: Phase II Project, annotated with PERSON, LOCATION, ORGANISATION and MISCELLANEOUS tags. -
NCHLT Tshivenda Phrase Chunk Annotated Corpus
(North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2016-04-29) ~Resource Catalogue Phrase chunk annotated data for the NCHLT Text Resource Development: Phase II Project. The phrase chunk annotated data is a subset of the 50,000 tokens ...