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Now showing items 44-63 of 350

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    • Autshumato Monolingual English Corpus 

      McKeller, Cindy (CTexT® (Centre for Text Technology, North-West University), 2023-10-30)
      Monolingual corpus for South African English. The data is given as a single UTF-8 text file, with each segment on a newline. The data was specifically ...
    • Autshumato Monolingual Tshivenḓa Corpus 

      McKellar, Cindy (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2023-12-12)
      Monolingual corpus for Tshivenḓa. The data is given as a single UTF-8 text file, with each segment on a newline.
    • Autshumato Multilingual Word and Phrase Translations 

      Martin Puttkammer, et al. (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2016-01-20) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Word and phrase lists aligned from English to the other official South African languages.
    • Autshumato PDF Text Extractor 

      Wildrich Fourie (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-06-20) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Utility application for extracting text out of a PDF document. The pages can also be extracted as images.
    • Autshumato Sesotho sa Leboa-English Translation Memory 

      Cindy McKellar, et al. (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-06-19) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Translation memory from Sesotho sa Leboa to English (EN-GB), in the government domain for use in the Autshumato ITE application.
    • Autshumato Setswana Monolingual Corpora 

      Cindy McKellar (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2016-10-28) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Setswana monolingual corpus as a deliverable of the Autshumato project. The data is given as a UTF-8 text file; with each sentence on a new line. NOTE: ...
    • Autshumato Text Anonymiser 

      Martin Schlemmer, et al. (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-06-20) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Anonymises text by classifying and replacing sensitive information such as person names, business names, place names, monetary values, phone numbers, ...
    • Autshumato TMS 

      Martin Schlemmer, et al. (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-06-19) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Terminology Management System. Web application used by Terminologists and Administrators to capture, edit and export terminology.
    • Autshumato TMX Integrator 

      Martin Schlemmer, et al. (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2013-06-20) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Utility to merge multiple translation memories over a network using Subversion
    • Autshumato Xitsonga Frequency Word List 

      Wikus Pienaar, et al. (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2014-12-12) ~ Resource Catalogue
      A list of the most frequent Xitsonga words as deliverable of the Autshumato project.
    • Autshumato Xitsonga Monolingual Corpora 

      Wikus Pienaar, et al. (North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2014-12-12) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Xitsonga monolingual corpus as deliverable of the Autshumato project. The data is given as a UTF-8 text file; with each sentence on a newline. NOTE: ...
    • Bilingual English-isiXhosa corpus 

      McKellar, Cindy (North-West University - Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2019-11-30) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Aligned parallel corpora for the following language pair: English-isiXhosa. The data is given as two separate UTF-8 text files, with each segment on a ...
    • Bukantswe Sesotho-English Bilingual Dictionary 

      J. A. K. Olivier (North-West University, 2016-07-07) ~ Resource Catalogue
      Bilingual English-Sesotho dictionary. This dataset represents a basic Sesotho dictionary compiled in the creation of a Sesotho language resource. The ...
    • CGE's Afrikaans Gender Terminology List 

      Commission for Gender Equality (CGE), et al. (Commission for Gender Equality (CGE), 2021-04)
      CGE's Afrikaans Gender Terminology List is a list of terms, either words or phrases, related to the promotion of gender equality. All 436 words or phrases ...
    • Core technologies for conjunctively written South African languages 

      Du Toit, Jaco, et al. (North-West University, Centre for Language Technology (CTexT), 2021-03-31)
      During this SADiLaR funded project, enriched corpora for the four official South African languages with a conjunctive orthography, i.e. isiNdebele ...
    • Corpus of multilingual code-switched soap opera speech 

      van der Westhuizen, Ewald, et al. (Stellenbosch University, 2020-02-28)
      The corpus comprises 26.9 hours of annotated multilingual speech that contains examples of code-switching in isiZulu, isiXhosa, Setswana, Sesotho and ...
    • COVID-19 Multilingual Terminology 

      City of Tshwane, et al. (City of Tshwane; South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR); Department of Science and Innovation; Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB), 2021-07)
      COVID-19 multilingual terminology list document in all the South African languages. The development of this terminology list was initiated by City of ...
    • CTexT Afrikaans fastText CBoW String Embeddings 

      Eiselen, Roald (Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2022-01-10)
      The CTexT Afrikaans fastText CBoW String Embeddings is a 300 dimensional Afrikaans embedding model based on the Contunious Bag of Words fastText ...
    • CTexT Afrikaans FLAIR Named Entity Recognition model 

      Eiselen, Roald (Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2022-01-10)
      The CTexT Afrikaans FLAIR Named Entity Recognition model is a neural NER model based on the FLAIR framework (Akbik et al. 2019), and includes Afrikaans ...
    • CTexT Afrikaans FLAIR Part of Speech tagger model 

      Eiselen, Roald (Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2022-01-10)
      The CTexT Afrikaans FLAIR Part of Speech tagger model is a neural part of speech tagger model based on the FLAIR framework (Akbik et al. 2019), and ...