Browsing Resource Catalogue by Title
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Now showing items 124-143 of 350
Lwazi Sesotho Pronunciation Dictionary
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-04-01) ~Resource Catalogue General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in SA languages. Dictionaries were developed to be practically usable for speech technology ... -
Lwazi Sesotho TTS corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-03-27) ~Resource Catalogue Orthographic and phonemically aligned transcriptions -
Lwazi Setswana ASR corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-04-02) ~Resource Catalogue Complete audio recordings and orthographic transcriptions used for Lwazi speech recognition systems. -
Lwazi Setswana Pronuncation Dictionary
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-04-01) ~Resource Catalogue General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in SA languages. Dictionaries were developed to be practically usable for speech technology ... -
Lwazi Setswana TTS corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-03-27) ~Resource Catalogue Orthographic and phonemically aligned transcriptions -
Lwazi Siswati ASR corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-04-02) ~Resource Catalogue Complete audio recordings and orthographic transcriptions used for Lwazi speech recognition systems. -
Lwazi Siswati Pronunciation Dictionary
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-04-01) ~Resource Catalogue General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in SA languages. Dictionaries were developed to be practically usable for speech technology ... -
Lwazi Siswati TTS corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-03-27) ~Resource Catalogue Orthographic and phonemically aligned transcriptions -
Lwazi Telephony Platform
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-07-15) ~Resource Catalogue Lwazi is a robust telephony platform aiming to facilitate speedy development of experimental applications without sacrificing power by combining Asterisk ... -
Lwazi Tshivenda ASR corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-06-24) ~Resource Catalogue Complete audio recordings and orthographic transcriptions used for Lwazi speech recognition systems. -
Lwazi Tshivenda Pronunciation Dictionary
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-04-01) ~Resource Catalogue General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in SA languages. Dictionaries were developed to be practically usable for speech technology ... -
Lwazi Tshivenda TTS corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-03-27) ~Resource Catalogue Orthographic and phonemically aligned transcriptions -
Lwazi Xitsonga ASR corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-04-02) ~Resource Catalogue Complete audio recordings and orthographic transcriptions used for Lwazi speech recognition systems. -
Lwazi Xitsonga Pronunciation Dictionary
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-04-01) ~Resource Catalogue General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in SA languages. Dictionaries were developed to be practically usable for speech technology ... -
Lwazi Xitsonga TTS corpus
(Meraka Institute, CSIR, 2013-03-27) ~Resource Catalogue Orthographic and phonemically aligned transcriptions -
Monolingual isiXhosa corpus
(North-West University - Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2019-11-30) ~Resource Catalogue Monolingual corpus for isiXhosa. The data is given as a single UTF-8 text file, with each segment on a newline. The dataset contains existing data ... -
Morphologically annotated corpus for isiNdebele
(Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2024-01-31)NCHLT corpus of morphologically annotated tokens in isiNdebele converted to the tags used during phases 1 and 2 of the SADiLaR-II project. The data ... -
Morphologically annotated corpus for isiXhosa
(Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2024-01-31)NCHLT corpus of morphologically annotated tokens in isiXhosa converted to the tags used during phases 1 and 2 of the SADiLaR-II project. The data is ... -
Morphologically annotated corpus for isiZulu
(Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2024-01-31)NCHLT corpus of morphologically annotated tokens in isiZulu converted to the tags used during phases 1 and 2 of the SADiLaR-II project. The data is ... -
Morphologically annotated corpus for Sepedi
(Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), 2024-01-31)NCHLT corpus of morphologically annotated tokens in Sepedi converted to the tags used during phases 1 and 2 of the SADiLaR-II project. The data is ...