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NCHLT Tagger
A graphical user interface and command line tool to automatically annotate running text with one or more linguistic tags:\n* Part of Speech\n* Named entity type\n* Phrase chunks\n\nAvailable for the following languages:\nAfrikaans\nEnglish\nisiNdebele\nisiXhosa\nisiZulu\nSesotho sa Leboa (Sepedi)\nSetswana\n Sesotho (Southern Sotho)\nSiswati\nTshivenda\nXitsonga\n\n Available in the Readme.txt - Input format: Utf8 text file containing running text. Output file format: The output file is a tab-delimited text file containing each token followed by its the assigned class. Output classes for named entity recognition: B-/I-ORG Organisation, B-/I-PER Person, B-/I-LOC Location, B-/I-MISC Miscellaneous, OUT Outside
Martin Puttkammer
North-West University; Centre for Text Technology (CTexT)
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 South Africa License:
Afrikaans; isiNdebele; isiXhosa; isiZulu; Sesotho sa Leboa (Sepedi); Setswana; Sesotho; Siswati; Tshivenda; Xitsonga
Roald Eiselen
POS tagger
83.99 MB (zipped)
Microsoft .Net 4.5
Resource Catalogue
Resource Index
afr; nbl; xho; zul; sot; nso; tsn; ssw; ven; tso
2018-02-05T20:22:39Z; 2018-03-05T17:47:47Z
2018-02-05T20:22:39Z; 2018-03-05T17:47:47Z

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Resource Catalogue [349]
    A collection of language resources available for download from the RMA of SADiLaR. The collection mostly consists of resources developed with funding from the Department of Arts and Culture.
  • Resource Index [412]
    A collection of language resource metadata mostly collected during the NHN funded technology audit of 2009, as well as the SADiLaR technology audit of 2018. Not all resources in this collection are available for download.

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